Willow Bridge Estate




178 Gardincourt Drive
Henty, Western Australia 6236

At the Winery


Looking for a new pursuit in the world of agriculture, Jeff and Vicki Dewar purchased a property in the Ferguson Valley, two hours south of Perth. They planted their vineyard in 1997, establishing Willow Bridge Estate.

Willow Bridge Estate sits high on the western watershed of the Darling Ranges, overlooking the coastal plain and Geographe Bay. Their marri soils – free draining gravel and loam over clay – are prized by Western Australian vignerons. The vines are planted around two hills with 360° of differing aspects to the sun, each variety matched to its ideal conditions. Of the belief that wines are made in the vineyard, they seek to reflect the unique characters of their site.

The Black Dog Shiraz leads. The Estate series singles out blocks of the home vineyard, highlights including Gravel Pit Shiraz and G1-10 Chardonnay. The vibrant Dragonfly series follows.


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